Job talks for faculty positions (also for postdocs) are some of the most important moments in our academic lives. Here are some pointers, from decades of experience on search committees (in #biology)...hope you find it useful.
#academic #interview #job #seminar #faculty #professorship
0:00 Intro
0:26 This is not (just) a research seminar!
0:59 Invest energy and stay on time (assume here 30 min)
1:35 Start very broadly (to match the audience) (2-3 min)
3:04 Content slides (20 min)
4:09 Lose the majority of your audience for a moment (30 s)
5:34 Conclusion (1-2 min)
5:55 Don't forget the all-important outlook! (5 min)
6:12 What is your contribution to the place?
7:20 Name potential collaborators as examples
9:00 Fin
Matthias Rillig, professor of ecology at Freie Universität Berlin, chats about life in academia.
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