Archbishop Gomez, President of the American Bishops Conference and Archbishop of Los Angeles, recently gave a speech which directly addressed the pressures from the politically correct “woke culture” that is increasingly hostile to Christ and the Church. Following upon Pope Benedict XVI’s warning about the demands of the culture to bow down before it and the specter of the anti-Christ and President Putin’s warning that the dominant Western culture is now thoroughly following the Marxist play book that led to such disaster in Russia, Archbishop Gomez’ strong warnings and "simple solution" are well worth paying attention to. Now, who else will step up?
Link to Archbishop Gomez' address: Link to Putin's comments: Ministries is dedicated to fostering renewal and evangelization in the Catholic Church by helping people know the personal love of God in Jesus and grow in holiness. Stay connected with us to receive more compelling content that strives to help you walk more closely with the Lord!
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