Michael Voris joins Tim to discuss the Enough is Enough protest in Baltimore taking place tomorrow at 10 am. Tim also asks Michael about Church Militant’s recent contretemps with Restoring the Faith Media
⏰RETROGRADE CLASSICAL ACADEMY NOW OPEN!! LET TIM and several other skilled Catholic teachers HANDLE YOUR HOMESCHOOLING (OR ADULT SELF-STUDY) CLASSES. 2021 FALL enrollment is NOW OPEN for anyone interested in attending our new live online classes for ages 13 and up. Classes are on a bulk discount: 1. Church History 2. Intro to Latin 3. PRE-RECORDED CATHOLIC REPUBLIC 4. Algebra 5. Scripture 6. US History 7. Aristotle's Ethics Information on each class is also provided on the website! Just go to TimothyJGordon.com and click "Retrograde Academy" at the top of the page!