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https://mailchi.mp/1a13a127cb14/social-surgeryWe often put pressures on ourselves that make writing freely or doing our creative work a challenge. In this video, I share two creative writing exercises that will hopefully help you become more aware of your relationship to your creative pursuit. By doing these together, we can find more positive ways to approach what we love doing.
The reason why these exercises are so important is because our creative pursuits often suffer when life events don't go as planned. In the most difficult times of our lives, it can be quite natural to let creativity fall by the wayside. But these are also actually the times when writing can be most beneficial.
One of the main benefits of these two creative writing exercises is to show you what expectations you’re putting on your practice. How do you feel towards your creative pursuit? Are you creating or writing freely? Or are you placing constraints on yourself?
The first exercise is to write about what your creative pursuit “has” to be. In other words, what limits are you placing on that area?
The second exercise is to describe what it would be like to set this area free.
You see, when you're in a relationship with something with an energy of unconditional love, it offers freedom. And with freedom, creativity and inspiration really flourish.
Try these two creative writing exercises out for yourself and see what comes up for you. Hopefully, you soon find yourself creating and writing freely each time you sit down.